One Scrappy Santa PDF Quilt and Pillow Pattern (Download)


I’m so pleased to introduce One Scrappy Santa to you as my first holiday-inspired quilt pattern! After creating my One Scrappy Witch block for Halloween last year, I fell in love with using half-rectangle triangles to create the hat and then went wild over the idea of using rectangles for a patchwork background (versus the typical squares) to highlight a giant Santa hat. Choose an ombré or scrappy version for a Throw quilt and/or coordinating pillow. You won’t regret making both.

—Includes a Throw quilt (64" x 67") and Pillow (18" x 18") in two versions: Ombré and Scrappy

—Yardage and FQ-friendly/Scrappy options

—Downloadable pdf (no physical items will be sent). PDF can be viewed digitally or printed on 8.5" x 11" paper.

—Includes thorough instructions and figures and a blank coloring page to help you design your own quilt.

Do not copy, sell, or distribute the pattern without written consent. Quilts made from the pattern can be sold by small, independent sellers, but design credit should be given to Jessica Schunke / Blue Sky Modern Craft.

All quilt samples shown were longarm quilted by Lilo Whitener-Fey of Trace Creek Quilting. The quilting pantographs are (Ombré cover quilt) Midnight Sparkle by Kristin Hoftyzer and (Scrappy version) Frost by Patricia Ritter and Leisha Farnsworth.

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